I have been a wee bit busy lately, and nonetheless, quite QUITE full up of information. There are still remains of my not-so recent move on my floor, school supplies and vitamins randomly hang out on my desk, and my pile of books has somehow exploded (and grown- thanks so much, teachers, for making me buy more things that i don't really need). what i'm trying to say is that i don't have a ton of things to say (about my reading, at least), but i want/need to record the books that I have recently read before I entirely forget about them and lose count of my year thus far. which would be a shame to lose over a few silly essays and a bad hangover, right? those mean nothing, this is my goal for the year, whatever else may happen. just kidding. sort of. on that same line of thought, do you think i will make it? i'm not even to 60 and it's almost the end of september, with more deadlines and papers than i think i have had all my life and less required reading in whole book format than i have had thus far in college. but as soon as i get this application in, and the first round of real papers out of the way, i'm sure i'll retur

n to my completely apathetic state of mind as far as school goes and get down to the important stuff- the reading. anywho, i have much to say about my four books (well, two of them at least) but i'm about to retire for the evening - can anyone guess what the last book i read was? i'll give you a hint- it was set in the 1700s!!!! and now i am writing like a wee lass. can't wait to see how these papers turn out this weekend. alright, drumroll please and my four books are:
The Language of Baklava, Diana Abu-Jaber
Is It Done Yet?, Barry Gilmore
Voyager, Diana Gabaldon
Leaf Man, Ehlert (you caught me- this one is indeed a picture book for children, but i have to write a literary analysis of it and i had to go to the library to check it out, so i'm counting it)
The Language of Baklava freakishly mirrored my life/future life and i loved every bit of it except for the beginning when they kill the lamb. but they felt bad about that, so i'll let it slide. the recipes in it were some of the habibi's favorite and it was really fun learning about another culture through the memories of a child, then the eyes of that child as a grown-up. more later on all of these books, if i get a chance. perhaps not until next year, once my reading goal is completed ;)
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