.... it's not. since this weekend was thanksgiving weekend, infamous for time spent around the house doing absolutely nothing except being around family, i took full advantage and read like a mofo. Peony in Love by Lisa See came in at spot 86, and i really enjoyed it. i liked how see worked around the plot line of the classic Chinese opera (i'm assuming it actually exists: The Peony Pavilion.... if not, it was still cool) and molded it to her character, while still throwing in some crazy twists and turns. it managed to be a bit depressing at times, but overall the message of despair was overcome by love and family yada yada yada. there was also a lot of reference to the intricacies of literary analysis and early female writers barging through the male dominated politics and improprieties. i liked that. this would be a good read for any female literature student. not to be sexist, but it was quite girly and girl-power centered, so yeah.

another memoir piece.... its interesting how these are soooooo popular right now. i'm even writing one for a class (in fact, i should be doing that right now instead of writing this.....) this was one of the more light hearted ones that i have read and i actually laughed out loud at some points. it was ridiculous. but enjoyable. and also really easy and quick, which is an important quality in books i read these days. mishna is a completely white child that is part of a completely white family but they live in a predominately black neighborhood in seattle that her dad grew up in and therefore identifies more with the african american culture than anything else. so mishna tries to fit in and "be down" like her dad and little sister but has troubles.... hilarity ensues. blah blah blah this would make a funny movie (not as funny as borat though)

an oldie but goodie. i read it every time i need a pick me up that makes me feel less guilty and more excited to be alive and do good bad things. if you haven't read this book, definitely grab it. again though, more of a women's book. and it is a little corny, but it tries to be, and its soooo good that it cancels out any corniness. sooooooo great. read it now.
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